Please consult your doctor before training if:
You are pregnant or may be pregnant - please ensure Martial Arts training and general exercise is suitable for you during this time.
You currently have or develop a condition/illness which may be aggravated by exercise.
Attending the Gym & COVID-19 Symptoms
Please do not attend the gym if you or someone you have been in contact with, are showing COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms include but are not limited to:
New and continuous cough
Fever or high temperature
Loss or change to your sense of smell and/or taste
If you suspect you, or someone you have been in contact with, may have COVID-19
Have recently returned from abroad & are subject to quarantine measures
If you suspect you, or someone you have been in contact with, may have COVID-19 please seek medical advice. You can find the lastest NHS updates on COVID-19 here:
Before entering the gym we may ask to take your temperature. This will be done via an infrared thermometer. If you are showing an above-average temp you may be refused entry.